Workplace diversified by Apple Inc

From the beginning of the world , it was male who dominated the workplace. But recently the paradigm has shifted .Even last year in Apple Inc  it was 70% male to 30% female ratio it reported .The company hired more than 11,000 women globally which is up by 65%.Also the 30% of female in Apple Inc  is similar to man-tech company Google , comparing by numbers.Apple has spent 4650 million in women and minority owned businesses.

Diversity reports in the recent past have spurred a national debate about the lack of diversity at Silicon Valley's tech companies and how to improve gender and race ratios.Chief Executive Tim Cook said ,""In the first 6 months of this year, nearly 50 percent of the people we've hired in the United States are women, Black, Hispanic, or Native American,".Also he added ,""a lot" more work to be done".

One of the reason is for not hirng women in workplaec is , women have to worry about child care issues and also they feel the need to limit themselves to jobs that offer some schedulinng flexibility.Also the issues comes where it's usually the woman who adjusts her career and/or work hours to accommodate child care, staying home with the kids when they are sick, have days off from school, etc. Furthermore, in 2015 only 18% were female US computer graduates where in 1985 there were 37% female .

The main in intention was to make Apple and it's community more diverse place. Apple   has pledged a $40 million commitment to the Thur-good Marshall College Fund to help develop, identify and hire tech and engineering majors from historically black colleges and universities. It has also pledged $10 million to the National Centre for Women & Information Technology and $100 million for 114 under served schools in 29 states via ConnectED.

Furthermore, Tim Cook  wants his comapny to diversify and dig out more talent.Tim Cook said , "I think the most diverse group will produce the best product, I firmly believe that," he says. Even without taking its values into account, Apple is a "better company" by being more diverse" .Also he added ,"I think it's our fault — 'our' meaning the whole tech community," he says. "I think in general we haven't done enough to reach out and show young women that it's cool to do it and how much fun it can be."
