Nina’s horror night

 Once there lived a desperate young girl named Nina who had lost her entire family in a tragic accident. After the accident, Nina was consumed with grief and eventually moved into an old house in the nearby woods to distract herself from her pain. 

One night, Nina was awoken by the sound of a man's voice calling out her name. When she opened the door to the bedroom, she noticed a faint bluish light coming from the living room. When she approached the bluish light, she found the figure of a man sitting in a rocking chair. He wore a long, dark coat and a wide-brimmed felt hat.

Nina asked the figure why it was in her house and it replied that it was the ghost of her lost family. It said that it had been watching over her since the accident and had come to give her a single wish to help her move on.

Nina wanted to wish for her family to come back, but instead she wished for her pain and grief to leave her and become forgotten. The figure nodded and slowly faded away into the night but not before giving her a single word of warning: Never forget your family. 

In the morning, Nina awoke to find that and all her pain and sorrow were gone. She quickly realised that the figure had granted her wish, and from then on she never spoke of the accident and moved on with her life. Although she never saw the figure again.
