Useful Sentence Compression for bank jobs and BCS

One Word Substitution || Sentence Compression ||Replacement of Word


Resort – A place visited for enjoyment or health.

Hutch – A place where rabbits are kept.

Orchard – A place where fruits are grown.

Accomplice – A partner in crime.

Altruist – A person who devotes his life to the welfare of others.

Pessimist – A person who looks to the dark side of life.

Optimist – A person who looks to the bright side of life.

Idolater – A person who  worships idols

Fatalist – A person who believes in the powers of fate.

Extravagant – A person who spends lavishly.

Stoic – A person who remains indifferent to pain or pleasure

Teetotaler – A person who  abstain from alcoholic drinks.

Sot -  A person who is hard drinker.

Truant – A student who stays away  from the school without permission.

Atheist – A person who does not believe in God.

Theist – A person who believes in God.

Polytheist -  A person who believes many God and Goddesses.

Monotheist – A person who believes in One God.

Eunuch – A person who is without sexual organ

Eccentric – A person who has unusual habits.

Bellicose -A person who has the habit of quarreling.

Insolvent – A person who can not pay of his debts.

Apiary – A place where bees are kept

Kennel – A place for keeping dog

Sty – A place where pigs are kept.

Mint – A place where money is coined.

Pitch – A place where batting of cricket ball takes place.

Effeminate – A person who has a physical  constitution  like that of a woman
