Interesting facts about Human Brain

Brain is found inside the skull of the pinnacle and is protected by a bony structure within the skull called cranium. It receives input from the sensory organs and sends output to the muscles. It is located inside the skull of the pinnacle and is protected by a bony structure within the skull called cranium. The three membranes called meninges surround the brain and protect it. The space between meninges is full of a body fluid which helps the brain from mechanical shocks. Cranial nerves arise from the brain. It is divided into three parts, forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The forebrain consists mainly of the cerebrum, which is that the main thinking a part of the brain. Midbrain doesn’t have any longer division and hindbrain consists of pons, cerebellum, and medulla. The function of the hindbrain is to manage reflex movements of head, neck, and trunk in response to visual and auditory stimuli. It also controls the reflex movements of the attention muscles. this text deals with some interesting facts about the brain, which maybe you don’t have studied till now.

10 Interesting facts about the Human Brain

1. Our brain uses 20% of its total energy and oxygen intake and 25 percent of the glucose (sugars) circulating in our bloodstream. it's about 2% of the body’s weight, i.e. it weighs 3 pounds, of which its dry weight is 60% fat, making it the fattiest organ. 

2. in step with Scientists, the brain is more active in the dark than within the day. Roughly, it consists of about 100 billion neuron cells. Do you know which figure Organs may be donated

3. Amazing is that the brains have shrunk about 9 cubic inches, i.e. 150 cubic centimetres from a mean of about 82 cubic inches, i.e. 1350 cm3 in step with the University of Wisconsin at Madison paleoanthropologist John Hawks.

4. During pregnancy, neurons multiply more quickly that's over 200,000 neurons per minute.

5. Strange, brain damage may be caused only in 5 minutes without oxygen.

6. does one know that the brain generates 12-25 watt electricity, which can be enough to power an occasional wattage LED light?

7. Wrinkles make the brain sharper. Isn’t it strange? The surface of the brain is understood because the pallium, which consists of some convoluted deep fissures, small grooves called sulci and ridges called gyri. Also, it's a home of about 100 billion nerve or neuron cells. The meandering and folded surface allows the brain to pack in additional area, thus more processing power into the limited confines of the skull. Also, research proved that dolphins have more wrinkles within the brain than in humans. 

8. does one know that almost all within the brain, cells aren't neurons? Neurons make only 10% of brain cells. Half the brain’s weight, i.e. 90% is glia which is named ‘glue’ in Greek. in step with neuroscientists, glia is solely sticky stuff that holds neurons together. A 2005 paper within the journal Current Opinions in Neurobiology laid out the roles of those glia cells, which offer immune protection to market and modulate synapse growth and performance 9. We aren't left-brained or right-brained. it's wrongly said. We are ‘whole-brained’. 

10. For our brain to try to multi-tasking is impossible.


Generally, we are encouraged to try to multi-tasking, but actually it's that we do various works at the identical time which can’t be justified. This is explained within the book Brain Rules that how multi-tasking may be detrimental. Research shows your error rate goes up 50 percent and it takes you twice as long to try to things. When the brain tries to try to two things directly, it divides and conquers, dedicating one-half of our nerve tissue to every task. From the above article, we come to understand about the human brain like its weight, function, from what it's made from, why is it shrinking, etc.
