One of the mirja's rough days

It was 2011 ,in September , my 2nd semester of the bachelor degree is finished. Within 2 weeks I have to pay £1600 to the university and mu bank account is nil.I though I will take a gap year and I will save some money to pay for my tuition fees .But apparently was told i am not allowed to take the gap year since I am an international student. What shall i do , where am I gonna get this money , so I started to looking .I cant sleep at night or couldn't focus at work or my social life .My friends ask me what happen and I couldn't tell them .I started to apply for loan and the credit cards.I couldn't get money from anyone .I used to save all the changes in a jar , thought I will get save money .Guess what ? only £ 110 i got and i have to pay £1600.Also , all the loan company and credit card company are rejecting me .My god what is gonna happen .They will kick me out from the university if I don't pay.Oh and I used to have this laptop , got a gift from my relative .I though i will sell it and get some more money.Unfortunately I got only £120.I don't know what am I gonna do.So i went to bank and ask for loan .First they offered me a cup of coffee , i wan like "Thank you ! I am alright" . Inside of me dying to know , am i eligible to get some loan ? otherwise they will kick me out! Please help me! Well they rejected me.So i though that's it , my life is finished .I went to the park on that day , one of my favourite place and i stared at the sky and ask god , is my life finished before even started ? i have never been in this situation ever, my dad normally used to deal with these situation. I cant tell my mum and dad about these situation.The will get stress and my dads health situation are not good at all.Anyway , so went to the work and I was so down that caught attention to my manager.So he called me to his office and asked me what happened? So I explained to him about the situation and he told me to not to worry and just focus at work .I couldn't sleep at night , I literally cried and thought that I wish i can get back to my childhood , where i don't have to worry about a thing!Those night was so horrible.Anyway , next morning , my manager came to me and said i will give you money and you can pay me weekly £50 and not to leave the job.So i agreed and looked at into his eyes with a tear drop in my eyes and said 'Thank You '. So I went to the university and paid the money.Eventually you will get your way out , no matter how bigger the obstacle is and you shouldn't forget those moment how you tried everything to get over it.I will never forget those moments and the funny thing is my parents still don't know.may I will tell them one day in a dining table! Hahaha!   
