Happiness and successful, a bit different

Happiness is like something else , I think it's kinda different from being successful. Happiness is like enjoying the moment , from my point of view. People just run after job to earn money . So basically you earn ,  earn and earn . Then suddenly you realise you became old.  I mean where is your enjoyableness ? Is it the life about job and money,  I mean you need those to survive but what is actually successful ?  That you have lots of money! That you have great job and beautiful wife and house!!! That people can tell you that the man is successful because he has lots of money. Isn't it should be like enjoyableness , that you can make other people smile ! That you can gather memory when you are old, and you will just remember one by one , the hell of you life just spent, isn't it should be like successful .On the other hand,  girls just look for the boys who is handsome and rich , but it's it should be like the guy who can make you smile and take care of you.  Why don't we just enjoy our life a bit rather than just run after money and job!  Obliviously you need Money and job to survive , but not just push ourself bit much and loose a opportunity to enjoy the life .
